Semiconductor Engineering: Good Vs. Bad Acquisitions
, 2020年10月07日
K. Charles Janac, President and CEO at Arteris IP is quoted in this new article in Semiconductor Engineering:
Good Vs. Bad Acquisitions
October 7th, 2020 – By Ed Sperling
M&A begins to ramp up, but not all of them will work.
“Making acquisitions is one thing, but it’s the result afterwards is that that really matters,” said K. Charles Janac, chairman and CEO of Arteris IP. “If your company culture is very different from any other company culture, that makes it much more difficult. We’ve seen that with some acquisitions that have not been very profitable, and the company may end up divesting.”
Arteris IP’s pending acquisition of Magillem Design Services is aimed at expanding its footprint beyond the network on chip into what Janac calls SoC assembly. Magillem can package IP in an SoC into an IP-XACT format, which paves the way for uniform communication in an SoC or an advanced package.
To read the entire SemiEngineering article, please click here: