SemiWiki: IP-XACT Resurgence, Design Enterprise Catching Up

Madelyn Miller, 2021年06月03日

Isabelle Geday, VP & GM of the new IP Deployment Division at Arteris IP, gives Bernard Murphy (SemiWiki) insight into some motivations driving companies to switch to IP-XACT.

IP-XACT Resurgence, Design Enterprise Catching Up

June 3, 2021 – Bernard Murphy

This standard has been around in one form or another for over ten years and was then arguably ahead of its time. RTL designers were confused: ‘We already have RTL. Why do we need something else?’ I also didn’t get it. Still, the standard plugged ahead among the faithful and found traction among IP vendors. Particularly as a common format to distribute non-RTL data, like register maps. But a lot has been changing in the meantime. Faster moving competitors. More horizontal and vertical dependencies. Mergers and acquisitions. Chinese technology growth and competition. To adapt, some top-tier organizations have already fully embraced IP-XACT, others are now racing to catch up. Why? Rather than making a dry technical case, I’ll share a few real examples (no names).

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