SemiWiki: ISO 26262: My IP Supplier Checks the Boxes, So That’s Covered Right?

Arteris Marketing, 2018年06月07日

ISO 26262: My IP Supplier Checks the Boxes, So That’s Covered Right?  

May 24th,  2018 – By Bernard Murphy

Bernard Murphy (SemiWiki) gets insight from Kurt Shuler on how an IP provider stepping up to ISO 26262 compliance isn’t quite as straightforward as it might look. Even more important, helping a customer meet their compliance goals may require more than just checking the boxes.

Everyone up and down the electronics supply chain is jumping on the ISO 26262 bandwagon and naturally they all want to show that whatever they sell is compliant or ready for compliance. We probably all know the basics here – a product certification from one of the assessment organizations, a designated safety manager and a few other safety folks and some form of safety process. Sound like easy boxes to check? Unfortunately for you the integrator, the basics may no longer be enough to complete your deliverables for your customers with respect to that IP.


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